Why does it seem like the older you get, the faster time moves? When you're a little kid, things always take too long.
"An hour of homework?!?! Thirty minutes till cartoons?!?! A second in the lunch line?!?! ... Thats SOOOOOOOOOOOO long!"
Or so my niece reminded me last month when she came to visit. I can no longer relate. Lately things have been moving by so fast. Wake up, drive to work at the start of the month ... only to come home, kick off my shoes, and turn on the news to realize that the months over and I have a credit card bill waiting for me.
But enough rambling.
So last month, my niece came to visit. The last time she has been around was more or less two years ago. She was so happy and bubbly back then. It's true! I have proof!
SEE! Look how big that smile is! And she didn't need to be bribed or anything! |
Now, she's still happy enough (more or less)... but I have to work a lot harder to get those smiles out of her. More frighteningly, I can see the early signs of the "Angsty Teenage Monster" growing behind that goofy grin.
Don't worry, dear. Some Oxy 10 should clear that right up! |
Suffice to say I took some portraits of her.
I used the same uber-simple setup as I did two years ago
(see aforementioned Happy Bubbly Proof) ... Not because I'm lazy or haven't grown as a photographer or because she wasn't patient enough for me to work out the kinks of the complex flash arrangement that I tried to arrange the night before. But because I wanted to do an artsy fartsy retrospective, and compare how much she's grown since then........maybe ....... well that and ... yeah... children aren't very patient. :D
If you'd like to see more... and I know you do ;) ...
Thanks for reading.