Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Arts and Craps

Photo 13: Advanced Digital Darkroom.  Or as one of my fellow students disaffectionately called it, "Arts and Craps."  As much as I agreed with the sentiment at the time (and pretty much still do), looking back, it wasn't so bad.  As the cliche' goes "hindsight is 20/20".  And reflecting on it now, I have to admit.  I took away some things of value.  Nothing concretely useful, really.  But in terms of perspective.  During the course of the semester, I was exposed to certain artists and ways of thinking about photography that I wasn't very aware of before. Consequently, I made some things that I probably wouldn't of made otherwise.  That's not to say that I've changed my mind.  It was a pretty useless class.  But I guess sometimes even useless things can be inspiring. :)

Such a Square

Summer afternoon in December

Uelsmann Moon

You can see more Here if you'd like.

Thanks for reading.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Corporate Graphics?...

So for the past couple months, I've been trying my hand at corporate graphics. And the results have been mixed.  Clear, concise messaging? Clean leading lines? Complementing colors? Negative space?  These things don't come as easily to me as maybe they should.  And there are many times that I wonder why anyone would pay me to do this.  But, seeing as I haven't been fired yet, I suppose I'm doing something right. ;-)

10" x 10" Square Card

In-company email blast

In-company email blast

8.5" x 11" flyer

8.5" x 11" flyer

Thanks for reading!