Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Engagment Photography Design

I have to admit.  I like shooting engagement photos. I've only done it a few times, but by and large, they've been really fun to do.  I think part of it has to do with control. With engagement shots, you're not at the mercy of time, the location, and anyone's nagging parents or wedding planner. Not only that, but since it's still the beginning, and all the stress of setting up the event hasn't really built up yet, the bride and groom tend to be on the jovial side.

So when my friend asked me to help shoot some engagement shots and work on a Save the Date postcard, it was easy to say yes.

I played more of the helper role, so I didn't take too many shots, but here are a couple of my favorites.

I added a little aged effect to it. I know it's getting pretty cliche'd now with EVERY Instagram photo using it, but it seemed appropriate with these shots (at least while I was processing them).

And here's the layout I put together for their postcard.

5.6" x 4" Postcard

The background photo is one of mine, and the other photos my buddy took.

A GREAT BIG THANKS, too, to Holly and Gene, for being such fun to work with :).

Thanks for reading!

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