About Me

T.O.M. (Theory of Madness) is passionate about graphic design, photography, digital art, and anything photoshop related. He is thankfully employed as a graphic designer and marketing assistant for a local mortgage company and very much enjoys what he does.  He has earned an Associates of Sciences in Applied Digital Media and a Certificate in Basic Design from Riverside City College and has completed a Bachelors of Arts in Psychology from the University of California, Riverside.  Furthermore he has competed and placed in a number of graphic design and graphics related competitions including The Riverside International Film Festival Poster Competition (2010 and 2011), Skills USA California: Advertising Design (2012)  and Skills USA Nationals: Web Design (2012).  

He currently lives in Southern California.

Flickr:   ATheoryofFreeOnlinePortfolio

Facebook:  ATheoryofVirtualFriendship

E-mail:  ATheoryofMadness@gmail.com